Saturday, February 17, 2024

February is about love....people and coffee and chocolate!


Stampin' Up! has several new items in their Online exclusive section. LOOK at this DSP called A Little Latte! It coordinates with a stamp set and die bundle called Latte Love. It is amazing. You can almost smell the coffee as you work with this set. 

I know the picture does not do this justice. The French Press is so unique! It has a die that will cut window sheet for the "glass" and another die to even cut the "coffee" on the inside. Just so you know, I tried glueing real coffee grounds to the "coffee" for a more realistic image, but it was an epic fail. The coffee beans are stamps and dies also. You see the three "stages" with the images? Watch the short video below to see the action as the card opens. 

Here is another card  (for my precious niece who just turned 18) using some of the same DSP but with another theme.

So what do you think? This card can be made in any size card really, but you have to adjust the size of the inner cards on the flip mechanism. For the A2 card, the flip mechanism is 3 inches long and 1 1/2 inches wide, scored at 1 1/2 inches on the long side. Score also from the left upper corner to the mid right corner; also score from the mid right corner to the lower left. Fold and burnish all score lines well. For a video on exactly how to make a similar card and all the details (for a 5x7 card), check out Kylie Bertucci's PDF store and choose the Zoo Crew class tutorial bundle. Kylie's PDF store
Of course here at Newstalgia Stamping, I love to mix up the "old" with the "new." I combined the Nothing's Better Than bundle with the brand new Latte Love bundle and the A Little Latte DSP (visit the online exclusive site on my website). In card number 2, I also added in the Share a Milkshake bundle. 
Look at the glass mat and the white silicone sink mat....they are spectacular!How do you get them? Join my TEAM!
I really want to get more team members; that way, if I can get 5 team members, I will be able to do videos online and have prizes available to give away. Will you help me by joining? Join during Sale-a-bration and receive:
1. We have a fantastic offering for customers who sign up to be a Stampin’ Up! demonstrator during Sale-A-Bration! Customers who join our fun crafting community as a new demonstrator can get $125 USD |worth of product PLUS our Stampin’ Glass Mat Studio* (a $60 USD ) for just $99 USD !
2. Another option, if you aren't interested in the glass mat studio, you can choose $30 more in product n top of the $125 dollars of product for only $99 dollars 
3. You also will get a 20% discount on future orders (6 months minimum)
4. You will be able to order items a month or more before the products go for sale to regular customers, decreasing the chance of items not being available. 
5. You will have the opportunity to join other demonstrators during  exclusive training and demonstration  events. 
ANY QUESTIONS???? contact me at
Below is the product list for the cards you see above, except the Latte Love and the A Little Latte DSP. It is available through the online site only.

Product List

Coffee Scented Cards.....who knew????

  WHAT?? Scented cards?? Yes, and it is EASY! I had a workshop this weekend using the Latte Love bundle and DSP. As chance would have it, wh...